Wednesday, October 6, 2021

A New Understanding of our Relationship with the Cosmos as Consciousness

For thousands of years we have formulated myths and narratives about our origin in the Cosmos. Over 

the course of the last 500 years or so, we have used the Scientific Method to provide  

reproducible evidence for such relationships. We now have adequate evidence for our physiologic 

origin in the unicellular state, and how and why the unicell has evolved into progressively 

more complicated physiologic structures and functions, described as ontogeny and phylogeny. 

The underlying mechanism for the evolution of physiologic traits is Margulis's Symbiogenesis, 

the assimilation of physical factors in the environment that have posed existential threats. This 

is the critical juncture in the evolution of life caused by the merging of physics and biology; this is in 

contradistinction to the Anthropic Principle, which states that we are 'in' this environment, not of 

it. Because our physiology derives from the physical environment, it must comply with the 

same Laws of Nature as the Cosmos does. Consequently, it is our physiology that conveys the 

Laws of Nature, which we conventionally thought of as consciousness.

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